Branded Domain and Brand Usage Policy

The following is a network wide policy which affects all advertisers in the network. Failure on the part of an affiliate to adhere to these terms may result in suspension or termination of your account.

The following rules apply to all properties including website domain names, subdo-mains, all social media page/profile names and email addresses associated with your affiliate business.

No Branded domains or profile names are allowed.

That means you must NOT use the advertisers brand name anywhere within your domain name or other online properties as detailed above. Banned Domain Examples (but not limited to); 


Failure to comply with this policy may affect your affiliate account status – either a temporary freeze or termination. While your account is frozen you will be unable to make new sales or receive a payout.

Our Compliance Team operate a strike policy for repeat offenders. Any affiliate commission generated whilst breaking these terms may be charged back.

If you are unsure about any aspect of this policy please contact an affiliate mentor or our compliance team, contact details can be found in your affiliate account.