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Best post-cycle therapy for SARMS

Within just a couple of minutes of being at the gym, you’ll likely hear some guy banging on about the power of SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) and anabolic steroids. However, there is one thing that these dudes don’t seem to want to talk about, and that’s posy cycle therapy.

I mean why would they, all they want to focus on is the potential of enhanced performance, increased testosterone levels and lean muscle mass. They’re not going to want to talk about post cycle therapy.

What they’re missing though, is the importance of how proper post cycle therapy can help maximize the benefits of your SARMs cycle. Not only that but the long-term side effects of suppressed testosterone production can be awfully serious.

So, if you’ve come looking for the best guide to post cycle therapy, then congratulations, you’re in the right place.

Post cycle therapy: what is it?

Usually, post cycle therapy follows a steroid cycle, giving your body a rest from the effects of SARMs and anabolic steroids. This is because as well as targeting androgen receptors, SARMs work to mimic testosterone, influencing testosterone production.


The objective of post cycle therapy is to follow up post cycle with PCT to correct your body’s testosterone production – which can be severely impacted by anabolic steroids and SARMs.

SARMS pct supplements usually start post cycle, for a matter of weeks in order to correct the balance.

The signs of testosterone suppression

When you’re post SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) cycle, it can be difficult to recognize the signs of testosterone suppression. Since anabolic steroids and SARMs work to increase your testosterone production, when your cycle ends, it can be difficult for your body to naturally produce testosterone itself.

Here are the signs to look out for when it comes to testosterone suppression:

  • Lack of libido
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Hot flushes
  • Decreased muscle mass and strength
  • Fragile bones
  • Increase in body fat
  • Problems with cholesterol and metabolism

If you experience a serious drop in testosterone, you may also develop a condition called gynecomastia – more commonly known as, the dreaded man boobs. The best way to avoid these side effects is to head straight into a PCT for SARMs post cycle.

If you notice any serious side effects when using SARMs, it’s best to stop your cycle immediately and seek professional medical advice.

Do you need PCT supplements for SARMs every time?

There isn’t exactly a SARMs PCT protocol and with plenty of opportunity for further research into SARMs PCT and SARMs in general, not all users agree that you need post cycle therapy supplements with each SARMs cycle.

SARMs that don’t require PCT – Is that a thing?

After a few minutes of scrolling through the internet you’ll come across gym buffs claiming that the below SARMS don’t require post cycle therapy, however, we’re not 100% convinced:

  • YK-11
  • Cardarine GW-501516
  • MK-677 Ibutamoren
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic

As extended use of SARMs has the ability to lower the body’s testosterone levels, estrogen levels can also significantly increase. An imbalance such as this can lead to mood swings, difficulty sleeping, gynecomastia (man boobs), decreased sex drive and much more.

It goes without saying that these types of side effects will also shatter your performance in the gym – crushing your successful cycle of SARMs.


The aim of post cycle therapy is to help boost the production of testosterone, reduce estrogen levels and restore hormonal production back to normal.

No matter which SARMs you’re using, SARMs PCT is recommended. Whether it’s low dosages or particularly potent SARMs, SARMS PCT is recommended to restore your hormone levels to a normal state. Even the more ‘mild’ SARMS, such as Andarine or Ostarine can significantly disrupt hormonal production.

The most potent SARMs compounds, such as Testolone or S-23 will certainly require a PCT supplement. Without post cycle therapy after your SARMs cycles, you could experience some extreme suppression and have trouble getting your hormone levels back to normal. Should you decide to ignore SARMs pct protocol, you could find yourself experiencing problems with hair loss, sperm production and other side effects; especially those using high doses.

PCT for LGD 4033 – Does LGD require it?

Even though there are online forum users claiming that some SARMs don’t require a PCT supplement, you need a pct for LGD 4033. Generally speaking, you’ll need to go through post cycle therapy before going on your next cycle.

In actual fact, PCT for LGD 4033 is more prominent than ever, since LGD 4033 is considered one of the most suppressive SARMs around. Sure, you’ll quickly add some serious strength gains, but it is an incredibly potent compound.

Best post cycle therapy for SARMs

Most commonly used, athletes tend to choose Nolvadex PCT (tamoxifen) or Clomid (clomiphene citrate) for SARMS PCT. These are prescription drugs in some areas, which means they can be difficult to get hold of.

Of course, much like steroids and illegal SARMs, many look to online markets for a PCT supplement.

It’s difficult to say which is the best PCT for SARMs, since many users report different side effects. But here are a few of the most popular post cycle therapy supplements around.

Nolvadex PCT

Now, this was originally developed to treat infertility and breast cancer, Nolvadex PCT is often considered the most commonly used post cycle therapy supplement.

With the main aim of preventing gynecomastia in bodybuilders, Nolvadex PCT supports your body to recover from testosterone suppression. While this SARMs PCT won’t give you more muscle mass, it will help you maintain your gains from your cycle.

Clomid PCT

Clomid PCT is a synthetic estrogen product, Clomid was also originally used to treat low fertility in women, by stimulating ovulation.

Its power to stimulate testosterone levels in men has made it incredibly popular as a SARMs PCT. Clomid works by binding to estrogen receptors in order to minimize the effects of estrogen on the male organism.

As for the dosage, Clomid is typically used for four weeks, 50 to 100mg per day.


As this is often used as part of a PCT stack, Ostarine can work well as part of your SARMs PCT. However, it’s important to not use Ostarine alone – it must be combined with Nolvadex or Clomid.

But why use Ostarine as a post cycle therapy supplement? Well, Ostarine works to preserve muscle mass, whilst also treating testosterone suppression.

Rebirth PCT supplement

If you’ve never heard of Rebirth PCT before, then this is probably going to blow your mind. Rebirth PCT is an indirect way of addressing the issue of too much estrogen and low testosterone levels.

While it’s not as powerful as Nolvadex PCT or Clomid, Rebirth PCT works to naturally raise testosterone levels, whilst suppressing estrogen production.


PCT for SARMs: where can you buy it?

Much like bodybuilding steroids and SARMs, PCT supplements can also be not all they appear to be when sold online. It’s vital that you check the ingredients of any PCT supplement before buying.

Many websites claim to sell the ‘best SARMs PCT supplements’, but their contents can often be dangerous.

Post cycle therapy SARMS – FAQs

When it comes to SARMS PCT, there is a whole array of questions we continue to receive. Here are some of the most popular.

Do SARMS require PCT (post cycle therapy)?

Since SARMs can have a negative impact on your testosterone levels post cycle, yes, you do need a proper SARMS PCT. It’s important to restore your hormone levels back to normal. We’d also recommend getting yourself on a huge nutrition boost to help your body recover.

Are there any SARMs that don’t need post cycle therapy?

As we’ve already made pretty clear, we’d always recommend post cycle therapy after your cycle, no matter which SARMs you’re using. However, some users report using ‘milder’ SARMs (below) that may not always require your typical post cycle therapy protocol:

  • Stenabolic
  • Andarine
  • Cardarine
  • Ostarine
  • MK 677

Can SARMs cause gynecomastia?

Although it’s less likely than you’re typical anabolic steroids, yes, SARMs can cause gynecomastia (man boobs), since they suppress testosterone levels.

When should I start SARMs PCT?

You should start post cycle therapy the day after your SARMs cycle has ended.

How long does post cycle therapy last?

Usually, SARMS PCT lasts around 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the extent that SARMs have disrupted your natural testosterone production.

This should be more than enough time for your body to have successfully recovered from, often, testosterone suppression. The potent ingredients in SARMs (whether a mild or ‘high dose’) can have a significant impact on your T – so PCT for SARMs is always required.

Are SARMs worth it?

With post cycle therapy needed after every cycle of SARMs, we’re not so sure that stunting the natural production of testosterone is worth the gains.

Even the best PCT supplement may not always reverse low test levels fully to their normal production.

Why not try a safe alternative to SARMs?

The male body goes through a lot. But that doesn’t mean you need to add PCT to the list!

We have carefully developed a 100% safe and legal alternative to SARMs – supporting HUGE muscle gains, with zero need for post cycle therapy.

Forget the need for a PCT stack, and enjoy rapid fat loss, boosted energy levels and huge lean muscle gains with ease. Simply take 3 capsules 20 minutes before breakfast. Take every day on both workout and non-workout days for the duration of the cycle. For best results, use as part of a cutting or bulking stack.

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