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What is a SARM exactly?

You won’t be in the gym long before you hear some bulked-up guy going on and on about anabolic steroids and SARMs. However, if you’re a newbie when it comes to muscle building and bodybuilding supplements, or you’re trying to come to terms with selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), then it can be rather confusing.

The thing is, SARMs aren’t a new thing, but they have different uses and benefits. Not only that but, it can also depend on who you’re listening to when you pose any of the following questions:

  • What is a SARM?
  • What is the best SARM?
  • What is the safest SARM?
  • What is the strongest SARM?

Now, before we jump into what a selective androgen receptor modulator can potentially do for you, let’s find out some more about what they are.

Are SARMs and anabolic steroids the same?

Sometimes also referred to as “research chemicals”, SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) have become increasingly popular over the years. Even though they may be similar to anabolic steroids, SARMs and steroids are most certainly not the same.

Although both work by binding to androgen receptors, triggering changes in your DNA to encourage muscle growth, the two are not one and the same.


The definition of SARMs

A group of therapeutic compounds with similar anabolic properties to well-known bodybuilding steroids, selective androgen receptor modulators have fewer androgenic properties.

As opposed to anabolic steroids, SARMs are tissue-selective, they target muscles without kicking off the same chain of reactions as steroids would. Not only that, but unlike many bodybuilding steroids, selective androgen receptor modulators are taken in pill form – which is a huge plus as it means no horrific injections.

Come on then, what’s the catch? Well, none of them have technically been approved for human consumption.

SARMs: how do they work?

In the simplest terms, SARMs work by binding androgen receptors in the body, triggering your body to lose body fat and increase muscle mass.

What are ‘androgen receptors’?

Androgen receptors allow the body to respond appropriately to hormones. The receptors are present in many of the body’s tissues, where they attach (bind) to androgens. In muscle, androgens are known to have an anabolic effect, increasing both muscle mass and strength.

Where did SARMs come from?

Similar to other popular anabolic steroids, SARMs weren’t originally developed for the purpose of improving muscle mass – well not in a bodybuilding sense anyway.

Instead, many selective androgen receptor modulators were actually created as a form of treatment for diseases, such as prostate cancer. This is where the molecule Andarine – the ‘original’ SARM was first developed. At the time, it was found to be quite useless in treating prostate cancer patients. On the other hand, its effects on muscle growth were rather impressive.

So it then came as no surprise that the bodybuilding community has quickly picked up on SARMs (alongside anabolic steroids) for their power to boost muscle mass.

SARM Benefits

Discovered in the late 90s, SARMs were originally developed to treat a variety of diseases, including the treatment of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, andropause, breast cancer and other cancer patients.

However, when bodybuilders quickly spotted their ability to boost muscle growth, it’s no surprise they were quickly picked up by a community that’s driven by lean muscle mass!

With many users having experimented with anabolic steroids, it’s interesting to see how SARM benefits compare.

Here are just a few of the benefits of SARMs:

  • An increase in fat loss
  • Increased bone density
  • Provides benefits of anabolic/androgenic steroids such as testosterone
  • They aren’t liver toxic (meaning no liver damage), unlike other oral steroids
  • Enhanced lean body mass
  • Fewer side effects compared to anabolic steroids, including prostate and cardiovascular concerns
  • Used for the rehabilitation of injuries, particularly bone and tendon-related injuries

What is the best SARM?

As this is dependent on your goals, it can be difficult to determine what is the best SARM. Not only that but there are the potential side effects you could experience during a SARM cycle.

Sadly, much like an anabolic steroid, SARMs come with their own array of side effects.

What is the strongest SARM?

Before jumping straight into your first SARM cycle, it’s important to recognize how these selective androgen receptor modulators work, that you’re aware of all potential side effects and where these research chemicals came from.

Here we take a closer look at what might be considered the ‘best’, ‘safest’ or ‘strongest’ SARM out there.

Ostarine mk 2866

If you’re in the bodybuilding crowd, then you will have likely heard of Ostarine mk 2866. Unlike other SARMs, Ostarine mk 2866 has somewhat the most research.

Not only that, this SARM can actually be used during both bulking and cutting cycles, with fairly mild side effects at low doses. If you’re new to using SARMs, Ostarine could be a good choice.

*We do not suggest the use of illegal SARMs, however, and would recommend finding a safe, legal alternative.



Usually, this is the best selective androgen receptor modulator for women, Andarine is a relatively mild SARM. This SARM supports lean muscle mass gains – and you’ll often hear it referred to as ‘S4’. A side effect of Andarine that has been noted is that it can suppress natural testosterone production, meaning your testosterone levels may be affected.

LGD 4033 (best for bulking cycles)

If you’re wanting to increase lean muscle mass, but without increasing body fat, Ligandrol (LGD 4033) may just be the SARM for you. It’s a powerful SARM that has been shown to be significantly more powerful than Ostarine mk 2866, building lean mass at great speed. There isn’t an awful lot of data out there regarding LGD 4033, however, we do know that it can affect your testosterone levels by disrupting the hormone signals in your body and decreasing production. So, if you’re someone that has problems with their testosterone levels or wouldn’t want them affected, then perhaps steer clear of LGD 4033.


Often referred to as ‘Testolone rad 140‘, Radarine (RAD 140) is another greatly popular selective androgen receptor modulator. Its said to boost recovery times, as well as performance enhancement. There’s also potential for a SARMs stack to build lean muscle mass fast. However, there is some investigation into whether Radarine could benefit those suffering from conditions causing muscle wasting and bone loss. The potential benefits you could reap from RAD 140 is making some bodybuilders opt for this over testosterone and other steroid hormone receptors.

YK 11

Often considered the “strongest” SARM, YK-11 is best left to experienced SARM users. Incredibly powerful, it’s always advised for use with comprehensive cycle support. Used too often and you could experience some pretty nasty side effects. Unlike some of the other SARMs we’ve already mentioned, YK11 only causes relatively mild testosterone suppression, meaning your testosterone levels may not be as skewed. If they are, like with most SARM cycle, there would be a treatment cycle to restore hormone balance.

Ibutamoren (MK 677)

Although technically a GH-Secretagogue, Ibutamoren is often referred to as a selective androgen receptor modulator. This powerful compound has the ability to increase your hunger, improve recovery times and sleep, by increasing growth hormone. Unlike anabolic steroids, there may be some rather good side effects of Ibutamoren, such as better quality sleep, thicker hair and better skin too. So, it’s not just the muscle gain and loss of body fat to love from this one!

What is the safest SARM?

If you’re a newbie to bodybuilding and you’re wanting to know, what is the best SARM? The best SARMs stack is often Cardarine and Andarine S4. You’ll be able to combine a mild SARM with Cardarine, which is a non-hormonal compound.

In terms of their safety, these SARMs stacks may produce milder side effects compared to other SARMs and anabolic steroids, but with few or no clinical trials and no hard evidence of potential health risks, it’s difficult to say.

SARMs: what are the risks?

Whilst many SARMs and SARMs stacks are sold with the promise of lean muscle growth and enhanced stamina, like with any type of drug, there are always going to be side effects to keep an eye out for.

However, these investigational drugs have little research or clinical trials for their use, meaning that so much of the evidence is anecdotal. Despite many users boasting about these types of body building products, plenty also reported high blood pressure, impotence and skin concerns.

Alongside this, troubles with eyesight are also a common concern for users of SARMs and anabolic steroids – in particular, Andarine has reports of giving users’ sight a yellow or green tinge.

Continuing on with the bad news (sorry!), more users have reported almost-instant feelings of anxiousness after using SARM. With many users believing that even potent SARMs have fewer side effects than anabolic steroids, we can see why it may be tempting to give them a try. SARMs users have also reported experiences of acne and most swings whilst in their SARM cycle too.


But alongside the weird eyesight issues, high blood pressure and anxious feelings come the potential of being sold anabolic steroids as SARMs – which can lead to testosterone suppression. In short, the web is a scary place! So it’s always worth checking what you’re actually being sold.

Are SARMS legal?

With many brands selling selective androgen receptor modulators with disclosure of them being ‘research chemicals’, consumers are quickly being sold potentially dangerous ‘dietary supplements’ under false promises of being safe.

At present, no SARMs have FDA approval, with many sold on the black market. Since their safety and chemical structure is pretty unknown, we do not condone their use in any way. It’s currently illegal to sell SARMs as ‘dietary supplements’, although, in recent years the compounds have been found in several nutritional supplements.

Anabolic steroids and SARMs have been banned in competitive sports by the World Anti Doping Agency, making them illegal for athletes and bodybuilders. Anabolic steroid use or multiple SARMs cycles would be clearly unfair; as athletes would reap the benefits of fat burning and improved physical function to get the best from their intense weight training sessions, especially those who are bodybuilders etc.

Are dietary supplements and SARMs the same?

As we mentioned previously, SARMs are not legal ingredients to be used in dietary supplements, although it is not unusual (although unsafe and illegal) for them to be marketed in this way.

There are currently more than 120 of these listed on the Supplement 411 High Risk List. If you’re looking to compete and use safe, natural dietary supplements, it’s important to pay close attention to ingredients lists in case they do feature SARMs ingredients illegally.

The following are examples of SARMs that are frequently and illegally marketed in dietary supplements or as research chemicals:

The following prohibited substances are also sometimes marketed as SARMs:

Are there safe, legal alternatives to SARMs?

Although SARMs remain popular in the bodybuilding community, with many users boasting about their power to boost lean body mass, support recovery times and encourage fat loss – their potentially harmful side effects just aren’t worth it.

The chemical structure of SARMs has plenty of room for further exploration – with no real clinical trials in this area at present.

So, why risk it?

Here at JuicedUpp, we understand the importance of muscle building – which is why we’ve carefully developed safe, legal SARMs alternatives. Check them out.


This is a better, safer, and more effective alternative to Cardarine. And it is all-natural, so no horrible side effects and no toxicity.

  • Enhanced muscle endurance
  • Lean muscle gains
  • Accelerated fat loss
  • Increased energy levels


Burn Boost gives you all the benefits of Andarine S-4 and eliminates all those harmful side effects. Safe, effective and extremely potent in helping you destroy those persistent fat stores. Nothing works quite this good without leaving toxic traces in your body.

Burn Boost will:

  • Increase your internal body temperature and metabolism quickly, meaning you burn more energy at rest.
  • Reduce your appetite, leaving you less distracted.
  • Preserve that lean muscle you worked hard to gain


Don’t risk the toxic effects of Ibutamoren. SARMs will destroy your body and all the progress you’ve poured your blood and sweat into.

With the first cycle, you will see:

  • An increase in internal body temperature as a result of lightning-fast metabolism. That high metabolism creates an insanely quick fat loss.
  • Lean muscle mass retention. You cut the fat and keep the size.
  • Consistently high energy levels as the fats are consumed super efficiently.

To get HUGE gains and the physique you’ve always dreamed of, get JuicedUpp today!

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