Benefits of CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin – side effects and dosage

When you’re at the gym, it is so so common to hear those in bodybuilding circles babbling on about the next big thing to build some serious lean muscle mass. Whether you’re wanting to compete, beat some guy at the gym, or just improve for yourself, it really isn’t uncommon to seek help from a […]

Ligandrol dosage, cycles & more

Ligandrol dosage, cycles & more SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) are something that have been around for a while now. Due to their performance enhancing abilities, it’s no surprise they’ve become increasingly popular within bodybuilding circles and athletes alike. Both of these groups often seek the help of SARMs and other androgen receptors, including LGD […]

Ipamorelin vs Sermorelin HGH, what’s the difference?

It could be that you’re wanting to decrease fat mass, build muscle mass or simply recover faster after workouts. Whatever the reason may be, of which there are hundreds, many of us seek the help of GH release supplements. We’ll see the topic of growth hormones and anabolic steroids come up again and again with […]

Benefits of Sermorelin GHRH – Side effects and dosage

These days it feels like you can’t be in a gym 5 minutes before you hear some beefy guy babbling on about anabolic steroids, growth hormones and peptides like Sermorelin. Whilst it’s easy to listen to those bodybuilders and become consumed by the potential benefits, we need to take a closer look into synthetic drugs […]

Benefits of Anamorelin (GHS) – Side effects and dosage

There has been a fair amount of information regarding Anamorelin (also known as Anamorelin hydrochloride) going around recently. However, how much do we actually know about this growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS)? You don’t have to scroll through the internet for long before you come across the supposed new big thing that is promising to […]

RAD140 PCT Guide – Do you need A PCT after testolone?

So, if you’ve landed up here, it’s more than likely because you’d like to learn more about RAD 140 PCT and you already know a thing or two about SARMs and anabolic steroids. Within your knowledge, you’ll likely know how a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) works. However, are you fully in the know about […]

Sr9009: benefits and side effects

In the world of bodybuilding, it can be so hard to grasp all the different and potential benefits of SARMs, anabolic steroids, and all that’s in between. As there are so many different performance enhancing supplements around, how do we tell them apart from one another? At this point, there’s no doubt about it, you […]

SARMs Stack: Best SARMs stack for bulking, cutting, and strength

Over the last few years, the popular topic of performance enhancers has started to evolve. As users have started to drift away from anabolic steroids, this has made room for SARMs stacks to make an entrance. Umm, why? There are many athletes out there that claim SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) are more natural and […]

How long do SARMs stay in your system?

Whether you’re wanting to build muscle mass, compete or you’re just looking for the best information on SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators FYI), you typically discover that the following question constantly comes up: How long do SARMs stay in your system? Now, whether it’s because you’re wanting to find out about the detection window of […]

What is Tesamorelin and are there any side effects?

It’s not uncommon to get muscle envy when some hench dude walks into the gym. But more often than not, that muscle isn’t quite as natural as it may appear… Yep! the chances are, he could be using something called Tesamorelin. Today I’m gonna be taking a closer look at Tesamorelin, covering everything from how […]

Best post-cycle therapy for SARMS

Within just a couple of minutes of being at the gym, you’ll likely hear some guy banging on about the power of SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) and anabolic steroids. However, there is one thing that these dudes don’t seem to want to talk about, and that’s posy cycle therapy. I mean why would they, […]

SARMs for Cutting: The best SARMs cutting stack for fat loss

Whilst SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) are most definitely not a new thing, some of them do stand out more from the rest, especially when it comes down to cutting fat. If you’re wanting to build lean muscle tissue, reduce body fat and intensify your workout routine, using SARMs can be a great way to […]

Bodybuilders: What causes bubble gut?

Right, I’m not going to sugarcoat this one for you, because whatever I refer to it is, bubble gut is certainly not something that you want. If you’re often here, then you’ll have seen tips and guides for building muscle mass, losing fat and looking after your body in a more general sense. I’m taking […]

What is a SARM exactly?

You won’t be in the gym long before you hear some bulked-up guy going on and on about anabolic steroids and SARMs. However, if you’re a newbie when it comes to muscle building and bodybuilding supplements, or you’re trying to come to terms with selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), then it can be rather confusing. […]

The best SARMS for bulking

Naturally, when it comes to your bulking cycle, you want to… bulk up, and pack on the pounds. But sometimes, you might need a little support when it comes to building muscle mass. So, it’s not uncommon to look at selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) for a bit of extra help.  Over the last few […]

Hexarelin HGH dosage, side effects and benefits

Hexarelin, also known as Examorelin and Hexarelin Acetate, is a synthetic hexapeptide known for enhancing human growth hormone (HGH) release. At this point, we’re all pretty aware of the impact of HGH, right? However, if you’re not sure, let’s have a quick recap to make sure we’re all on the same page. What is human […]

What is igf-1? Can it be used for bodybuilding?

If you’ve ever spent any time in the free weights section of a gym, you’ve probably heard all kinds of acronyms being thrown around. Today we’re going to dive into the world of IGF 1, one of the most common combos of capital letters being talked about. In bodybuilding circles, IGF 1 is one of […]

How long does Cardarine take to work? (GW 50156)

After just 10 minutes at the gym, you’ll no doubt hear some dudes gossiping away to themselves about Cardarine – often referred to as ‘GW 50156’ and ‘GW 501516’. Whether it’s a debate on Cardarine kick in time, whether it works as a fat burner or really works to boost muscle gains, Cardarine is a […]

LGD-4033 and what you need to know

Ligandrol, often referred to as LGD-4033 is a popular selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), delivering similar effects to anabolic steroids. However, like many other selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), LGD4033 wasn’t actually initially designed for the bodybuilding community. In fact, LGD-4033 and other SARMs were developed to treat medical conditions like osteoporosis. If this has […]